Is 301 redirect important?

For today’s ranking is 301 redirect important?   The last time I had a chance to chat with a website/SEO company and they said to me if I was to boast how great of an SEO I am then I should not overlook the 301 redirects for this one client. Well to be honest I saw this website orphan pages …

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True Passive Income

In almost every walk of life when asked what we want most in life one of the most anticipated answers is to be financially solvent.  Working from 9 to 5 may not be enough to provide a stable income for the family.  Some will venture on making money off-hour. I would call that effort is earning money passively. When you …


SEO for Lawyers What You Need To Know

On this website, we advertise $199 per month for SEO services.  Admittedly it is not something we can do SEO for lawyers.  The reason here is law firm SEO or other the legal services niche are extremely competitive and although we can charge SEO for lawyers $199 per month it is not going to bring them customers within the first …

SEO Web Design Key Items You Need To Know

What are key items in SEO Web Design you want to learn more? SEO web design is a web design around search engine optimization (SEO).  Design with SEO in mind requires some careful handling.  The objective of SEO is to make sure search engines’ robot can understand what the page is all about so it can rank that page. SEO …

$199 seo package

What is SEO and how it works

Here’s our take on what is SEO and how it works!   SEO is short for Search Engines Optimization and how it works is to make your website /page/content fits for a computer to read to rank on the search engines and for human to read to convert from traffic to sales.  Having a beautiful website isn’t enough you have …

Scam Alert: My Trending Stories

Is My Trending Stories a scam?   In the world of blogging guest posting is available and sometimes you have to pay to post on a huge platform as My Trending Stories.  Yet we’ve found some very negative posts about My Trending Stories due to their complaints about not getting paid for their posts.  Yet in all of these complaints …


Result Based SEO

Today result based SEO takes time.  New websites take 8 months to a year and older sites take 6 months to see the result.  Online By Andrew uses content to boost our customer’s ranking and our result based SEO is all about authority.  Many SEO companies opt for getting links and/or buying facebook ads to keep clients happy.  If you …

search engine optimization company

Search Engine Optimization Company

What makes the best SEO Search Engine Optimization Company?   Best SEO Search engine optimization company implies that the company is specialized in optimizing the website to rank.  Best SEO Search engine optimization company also relies heavily upon traffic as well as conversion. Conversion takes time to know and your website must have Google analytics installed.  Google analytic must set …

best seo company in new york

Best SEO Company In New York

Who is the “Best SEO Company in New York” is something all New York’s companies may ask themselves when they want to find the best SEO company to help them with their site ranking.  When it comes to SEO it is not a black and white decision to know and choose who is the best.  One of the ways is …

digital marketing 2019

How Digital Marketing Changes in 2019

Digital marketing in 2019 is no longer just a bunch of digital ads used to promote your products but combinations of digital ads, email,  get-in-touch campaigns designed to address a specific group of audiences demonstrating facts of how your product makes your customers feel when they use it. Thus educate consumers should be the company’s priority in addition to normal …