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Pixabay Image 2123473

Epic Display Ads

Display Ads is often used in retargeting or cold traffic type ads.

If you pay for PPC (pay per click) but don’t use retargeting pixels shame on you 🙂

What exactly is retargeting pixel? This pixel is dropped when someone visits your website. Then thereafter wherever they go there will some kind of banner ads display reminding them about the company.  For this to work you must have two things in place.

1- The banner ad must convert.  You need to display using varieties of sizes and doing this enables you to find the best design that converts.

2- Spread your pixels to as many websites as possible.

At this writing Google covers 27 percent of all registered websites. However, our company’s partnership with a retargeting broker enables us to post on 97 percent of all websites. We give you the best exposure in the market.

Display ads are often bought in number of impressions. You pay for impressions and not clicks.    We also provide cold traffic for our customers.  Cold traffic means that we place your banner ad randomly on different site.  The reason here is sometimes you never know people may need DUI lawyer services while they are shopping around for cars to buy.  You really just never know.

 This requires experience in different disciplines and place ads accordingly. Cold traffic is good for businesses who want to put their brand out there in the busy information superhighway. Cold traffic should be considered as a secondary traffic source to your PPC campaign.  Once you get a good traction for your advertising dollars you can stop using PPC.  

For a limited time only we offer 1 FREE highly convert ad to introduce our retargeting ad programs.  Please click on the image below to claim your FREE banner ads.