Coworking spaces and Google my business

Co working spaces and Google my business

Coworking spaces and Google my business What you need to know?

What do I mean in this title “Coworking spaces and Google my business”? It means you can realistically rent a coworking space office and use it for your Google my business.  Buy a few so that you can have instantly few addresses for your map.

As a map specialist, we are now running into a problem with a legitimate office for Google my business. My customers are mostly lawyers and like every other business, they too want to take advantage of ranking among the top 3 on Google map.  The problem now for these types of businesses is, you need to have employees working at the location with your phone number for that location, and it has to have a suite number if you share it with others.

Well, then why don’t these places provide that and charge customers for their services? As of this writing, you can practically have an office without paying an arm and a leg for it.  This is called Coworking spaces. So, what if in the co-working spaces could have a secretary in place to receive emails and forward them to customers? This could be a very attractive option for my customers to engage in.

On the other side of this debate is this burning question – Is it fair to have an office but you are hardly there, and your prospective customers can’t engage with you face to face? It all depends on the type of business you are in.  For most lawyers, they just want leads and they can work with clients on the phone. I really don’t know though as for me I would like to see my lawyers in their offices and have face to face conversations.  If you have ever been charged with criminal or DUI type of charges, you would understand that the ability to speak with an attorney face to face is critical.

Coworking spaces and Google my business

I am all for the prestigious real estate of GMB listing. However, I also advocate for legitimate businesses and convenience for the customers.  You can’t really say, “our office opens from 10 am to 5 pm” yet you are never there. Just imagine how disappointed your customers would be if they took the time to plan an office visit and nobody was there? I would really be upset if this happened to me.

So, in the end, I don’t know what is the best solution here? I believe everybody deserves to have a piece of that real estate and ranking the top 3 on Google map if you really have a legitimate office. If you do not you may want to specify that clearly.  This type of service is often called Services area listing.

Services area listing is the listing that does not show your physical address.

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