Traffic and Conversion
In most of business owners’ mind traffic = conversion so today I am going to demonstrate to you it isn’t the case. First and foremost before you even spend a red cent to acquire traffic you really ought to find out if your site converts or not. Conversion means when a visitor visits your site do they pick up the phone and call you? do they fill out an opt-in form? Do they do anything at all when they visit your site? So in order to find out, you must have ways to verify first and the important thing is … you must decide what is it that you want your visitor to do?
A website can be created without a goal. It can be built like a brochure. You listed items that you want to showcase and your prospective customers can fill out a contact form to contact you.
However, if you have an e-commerce site your conversion would be set on the payment pays and each payment is an indicator a conversion. Normally a 2% conversion is considered normal. 5% to 10% considers a great success. What it means is for every 100 customers visit your website 2 person buys, or 2 person calls you. Conversion can be set using Google analytics and it’s free. Our SEO expert can set this up for you and create a report for you on your own site.
After finding out that your site is converting at the rate you can accept you can then spend your money on getting traffic. You can go all out in this regard.
So for a new website or a new business how can you get enough traffic to measure your conversion rate? You will need to spend money on Pay Per Click to acquire at least 100 visitors to your site. This too we can help you out with. In addition to spending initial investment to find out if the site is converting we can use those same data to build you a site that is unbeatable.
Please allow us to help you sky rocking to the top by doing the essential ways. Spend money first and get the basic package let us tell you what we think how your site should look and feel. Then create a simple test to find out if they are converted and if they are not what needs to change. Once we are done with these tasks then install a kickass SEO campaign to get free traffic.