backlinks or no backlinks

Back Links or No Back links SEO?

Do You Back Links Or No Back Links?

Backlinks or no backlinks are forever debated bamongSEO professionals.  For some reasons, SEO thinks backlinks are ian llegal or black hat?

I’ve seen repeatedly many videos on youtube and elsewhere preaching about you can rank your site without any backlinks. I’ve yet to see this happens with a very competitive keyword. When it comes to SEO links are essential.

Google is doing everything it can to stop SEO FROM doing their business. I really can’t blame Google. Newbies or wannabes in the SEO arenas lure to this craft for quick bucks and utilize many black hats and employ outright spamming techniques.

Having said that, links are essential to ranking because of the entire Google system based on them.

Granted you can write blog posts and we encourage our customers to do this themselves. Once a week you post an informative article to help your readers to solve something.

You will need to understand at the very minimum how to utilize your title tag and your meta description tag.  How to put H1, h2, h4 tags inside your blog posts. I skipped h3 only because it seems h3 does not help at all in terms of ranking.

There are plugins created to help you do this but I suggest you do it on your own. Only because if many people are using the same thing Google may or may not use the footprint to penalize you.  Many people use Yoast SEO plugin and sometimes ago I’ve heard Google is penalized sites. This is true or not true I could not verify.

If you post enough articles to your site what happens here is over time Google sees you as “authority website”. With this status, you rank much quicker than other sites who are new sites or just simply did not have this status.  When you rank quicker what it really means is each and every time you write an article and if you put in correctly title tag and meta description tag and utilize all of the H tags I mentioned above, your article will rank on its own.

Whatever you do now a day they must be authentic and useful to the readers. Google does measure the time they stay on your site and also its rank brain machine is programmed to catch bad articles, duplicated content or spun content. Don’t get me wrong. Spun content if doing it correctly will be just fine.

I estimate that it will take you a year to arrive at the authority status and start to cash in on your efforts.

Last but not least do not forget about social media. Anybody and yes anybody will at the very least be mentioned on Social media. So sign up for IFTTT service and program your site to send fresh blog posts to them. Now and again reach out to others blogs, other social media accounts and place your link on them.

WHATEVER YOU DO NEVER EVER RESORT TO SPAMMING. It’s bad for your business and ours.

So to rank a site without great backlinks just not possible for less than a year forecast.  In some cases, if you have to compete with very heavy duty keywords which you really should aim for you will need this.

Our SEO department is very strong in this company. We know how to rank a site and we can help you plan for your traffic now and years to come. We do it correctly and with your safety in mind.

However, there is a disclaimer here.

Let’s me tell you a ranking story I had from one of my clients. Here’s a beautiful website that has all the important stuff I told you about. However, it has an immortal enemy lurking somewhere in the dark. This entity created bogus links and sabotage the site with invisible but very harmful links.  Even after we disavowed many links and we were getting back to the top them bam- we found out someone copied our content. Being a very struggling status already this has plunged this site to the bottom of the abyss.  It was on the first page of Google map and yes Google plunged the map as well to unreachable zone.

So I am saying that even though you may do all the right thing bad shit can happen and you either scrap it or continue to defend it.  and not always the SEO guy’s faults.

I hope you choose us to help you. We work with all kind of budgets so just reach out to our director and he can guide you what is best for you.  Although I can tell you now off the bat that $200 a month may not do you much but at least you can get us to optimize your site. And with another $200 we may find a keyword you can win. You may not be on top 3 overnight with this budget but you don’t waste your hard earned dollars doing something that does not contribute to your long-term growth.  It may take you a year to get there but if you do things right you will get there.

Remember SEO isn’t something about humans but about how to make your site understood by a machine and yet looks great for humans in case Google sends its human editors to visit you.

Call Kim SEO guru at 954-707-1295 or fill out the form below to get started.