Rent a website

Similar to rent a car or buy a car what are the pros and cons of each option? First rent a website is suitable for new businesses where you really don’t know or not sure it will survive. Or you just need to budget your spending monthly with a website that is supported and loaded with content ready to go …

How to make money online at any year

There are so many ways to make money online. Having a website is the first order of business. If you search for a keyword “passive income” you will run into many great blogs describing how they make money ‘passively’ more on this later. As an SEO specialist web hosting is one of the most important factors in making money online. …

Is $199 per website legit?

Quick and short answer “NO” unless you just want “BROCHURE” type of website that does nothing for you in terms of getting traffic and conversion. Many ads we’ve seen on Craiglist for $199 per site and it promises you to place your site on directory listing and monitor your site. First lets me explain. Directory listing can be good sometimes …