5 star reviews reputation

How to brand your business with video review commercial

Branding Short Cut Your Business Needs With a 5-Star Reviews Reputation Video


In this day and age, you must have as many as possible 5-star reviews reputation for your business.  It seems reviews online are often manipulated. And the fact is – THEY ARE MANIPULATED.   At this writing, Amazon hires a boatload of employees to track down purchased reviews.  I do have my own story to share.

Last year I purchased a “look-a-like” Vitamix blender from Amazon. It had 10 5-star reviews.   I did not use it right away until a few months later and I found out this so-called 5-stars review blender was a piece of sh–t.  It could not even blend a banana well.  So I went to Amazon and plan to give them my 1-star review only to find out the company no longer existed on Amazon.  Those reviews had to be fake because there was no way that blender could have received a 5-star review.  Thus as a consumer, I value reviews highly however when it is manipulated it is bad for both the retailers and the purchasers.  I said I was scammed on Amazon of all places.

Here are few things from a consumer point of views you might want to think about when you read the review online.  If I read a review and it has no elaboration on it like just five stars without the reason why. I disregard that review.  I feel like the reviewer was doing a favor for his/her friend out of duty instead of really believe in that person.  If I read a bad review with date and time and they made sense I believe in that review as well.  Sometimes you can just tell from a really ‘bad’ reviews to retaliate type of reviews.  Someone may be rude on the phone with someone else and that person just wants to leave bad reviews to try to hurt that person out of hate.

So if you see a company who has a consistent of 100 5-star reviews you would sit up and take notice. It seems in our society when fakers are every turn genuine reviews are appreciated.  So how do you think your customers when they see their reviews got recorded into video and distributed all over the web? They will tell all of their friends about it and these friends will for sure to flock to your site to buy the same products. They are sold lock stock and barrel.

How can you get all 5-star reviews reputation for your business?

You just have to make the decision to get 5-star reviews for your business.  Intention means everything and when you set out the intention that you will do whatever it takes to get 5-star reviews you will.

Once you do have many 5-star reviews why not making them into video commercials and leave that reviews all over the web? Many businesses to this day do not realize the power of videos although they probably spend a lot of hours watching youtube videos.  When it is time to make videos for their businesses many people don’t think they can do it. They use excuses such as they don’t talk well on videos or they don’t know how to do it. Here today I am letting you in a secret.  You can get review video commercial FREE due to the Beta testing program these people are doing right now.  However that is not why you want to make these videos … you want to also syndicate them all over the web.

Click here to order a sample of a 5-star reviews reputation video for your company.  It’s free to receive the sample and you only pay a small syndication fee when you want to stream it to most popular social media outlets which I recommend highly that you do.