What is SEO Analysis?

What Is SEO Analysis?

SEO Analysis  focuses on the optimized condition of a website. You need this process for guidance  in terms of on-page optimization, keyword density, and external links status.  SEO analysis may differ from competition analysis where your site is compared against similar sites in terms of niche and provides ways to help you outrank competition in search engines.

Here are the factors which SEO analysis check and determine the state of your website.

1- Keywords:  Are they optimized for the title tag and the meta description tag?

2- H1 tag: Is the site content used at least once

3- H2 tag: Do your keywords appear here?

4- Does the targeted keyword constitute at least 1 percent of your text?

5- Is the green light present in your Yoast SEO plugin?

6- Is your site penalized? ** goto Google search bar and type in site:yoursiteurl.com. If the first 2 pages do not have your home page – Yes you are penalized-

7- Do you have toxic links?

8- Have you over-optimized your anchor text? ** All SEO professionals should know this –

9- Have you setup interlinking between post and pages?

10- Do you have enough content to rank?

Having your site SEO analyzed is one of the most important investments you could make.  SEO professionals can point out what you did wrong and the corrections you need.  They’ll also share with you basic and sound SEO practices so you can continue to build your site.  If you don’t do this all of your efforts may not bear fruit the way you want it.

Having a lot of content is great but if you don’t know how to link them correctly, it makes it hard for Google bots to index your content correctly.  If the pages or posts do not get indexed you can’t rank. That’s the truth.

You want to build your site properly in both structure and content and linking.  Do not neglect this step as it will help you to rank easily any article you posted and this is amazing.seo analysis online by andrew - start at the right time and right condition

Here is the link to find out your site compares to your competitors. Click here.