What is Retargeting?
Retargeting is an act of dropping a pixel on visitor’s browser in order to display banner ads continuously. Retargeting is a must-have for any site engaging in PPC, sell merchandise, offers deals etc. Marketing research proves that a potential customer may need to engage an advertisement 6-7 times before turning into a customer.
That’s why you need retargetting to move a potential buyer closer and closer towards a sale.
Is remarketing the same as retargeting? Remarketing is an act of using emails to engage clients consistently.
Online by Andrew offers retargeting pixels that are guaranteed to show up in at least 97 percent of all websites. Our retargeting system surpasses Google’s which only covers 27 percent of all websites.
Retargeting ad campaign must have a banner ad that converts. It’s crucial for you to do a split test on all of your ads design to make sure you choose a winner. Currently, we give away one free ad to our prospective retargeting customers. Click here to sign up for one free banner ad you can use with your social media posts or on your website.